August 7-13 - Healing Week

Praying with Your Body, Breath and Heart: A Yoga Workshop

AM Classes

Marcia Albert & Ammi Kohn

Breathing techniques and meditation have been Jewish mystical practices for many centuries. This workshop combines Kabbalistic mystical practices with the physical movements, breathing, and postures of another spiritual discipline, hatha yoga. The integration of yoga techniques with Jewish chanting, meditation, and guided imagery will open the heart and body to deeper spiritual feeling, as well as heal and strengthen the body, mind, and spirit. Return home with a daily spiritual/yoga practice and a deeper understanding of yoga movements that include prayer, breathing, and meditation. All skill levels welcome.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Praying with Your Body, Breath and Heart: A Yoga Workshop
Marcia Albert; Ammi Kohn

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Doing Kaddish: Rituals for Healing at Times of Loss & Transition

Anne Brener
The tasks of mourning cannot be accomplished without a context and container for focusing and expressing grief. These can be provided by the Mourner's Kaddish, whether it is recited in the traditional manner after a death or used metaphorically to describe the work of grief and mourning over other losses. We will intertwine our exploration of the Kaddish with music, movement, creative writing, and other expressive techniques to guide us in walking the path of mourning. By mapping the Kaddish on the Kabbalistic model of Four Worlds -- Spirit, Creative Intellect, Relationship, and Action -- we will learn how to use it as a tool for transforming broken hearts into hearts of wisdom. The work of healing calls us both to honor our loss and to face whatever has been difficult in the lost relationship. It calls us to let our grief take different forms as our lives change and our issues change. So this workshop is appropriate whether a loss has occurred recently or long ago, and it will provide tools for dealing with many different kinds of losses.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Doing Kaddish: Rituals for Healing at Times of Loss & Transition
Anne Brener

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Jewish Koans

Roshi Bernie Glassman
Traditional Zen koans are old Chinese and Japanese stories or conversations between teacher and student pointing to a spiritual truth. In Zen training, the student must work on the koan not out of his intellect, but out of his own life and experience. He/she must become the koan in order to solve it and present his understanding to his/her teacher. Roshi Bernie Glassman will discuss the methods of Zen Koan training. Working together with the participants, we will use Biblical sources, commentaries as well as Hasidic tales, to show how one works on them as koans in order to deepen our insight and actualization.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Jewish Koans
Roshi Bernie Glassman

August 7-13 - Healing Week

The Art of Chant as Devotional Healing

Rabbi Shefa Gold

Rabbi Rabbi Shefa Gold

Chanting, the melodic repetition of a sacred phrase, has the capacity of generating a great deal of energy. This energy has the potential of being focused and directed as a healing force. We can also use chanting to open the center of spirit and body within us, allowing the sounds to move through, transforming our small selves into radiating transmitters of God's love. In this workshop we will use the chant to help us touch and purify our deepest intentions to serve. Together, we will explore and enhance the healing potential of chant.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
The Art of Chant as Devotional Healing
Rabbi Shefa Gold

August 7-13 - Healing Week

In Search of the Ba'al Shem Tov

Rabbi Burt Jacobson

Rabbi Rabbi Burt Jacobson

Israel Ba'al Shem Tov was the legendary founder of Hasidism, the 18th century movement of Jewish spiritual renewal. But who really was he? Elie Weisel once wrote that Nothing about him can be said with certainty...the Master who gave song to despairing communities managed to disappear without leaving the professional seekers even a fragment of autobiographical material. Obsessed by eternity, he neglected history and let himself be carried by legend. This course will examine the two original images of the Ba'al Shem: mystical teacher and magical shaman. We will study texts ascribed to the master as well as tales told about him. We will assemble clues that might enable us to form the beginnings of our own portraits of his identity. Through imaginative exercises we will experience what it may have been like to have been in his presence, and what he can teach us for our lives today. We will learn several ecstatic melodies attributed to the Ba'al Shem Tov, allowing them to draw us into ecstasy, dance and silence.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
In Search of the Ba'al Shem Tov
Rabbi Burt Jacobson

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Refuah Sheleymah: Jewish Sources for Holistic Healing

Rabbi Miles Krassen

Rabbi Rabbi Miles Krassen

From RaMBaM (Maimonides) to Rav Kook, traditional therapeutic, ethical and mystical Jewish teachings have presented a multi-dimensional approach to healing. These teachings seek remedies for everything from the macrocosmic, to the most personal suffering of individuals. In various ways, the inherent short-comings of existence and the universal need for healing have been addressed in a full spectrum of spiritual advice and practices for rectifying imbalances in self, in time, and in space. We will examine teachings which identify the major areas requiring tikkun and healing, and will focus on such issues as the healing power of music, alignment with universal cosmic forces in Sefer Yetzirah, and meditation and prayer as healing modalities. The course will combine text study in Hebrew and English translation, with meditation, prayer, and chant.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Refuah Sheleymah: Jewish Sources for Holistic Healing
Rabbi Miles Krassen

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Mystical Healing Practices: Medicine for the Modern Soul

PM Classes

Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

Rabbi Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

Our ancient tradition is filled with pithy wisdom and powerful healing rituals that are remarkably well suited to our modern-day ills. We will study ancient Jewish rituals as well as hanhagot or practices prescribed by the Hasidic Masters for psychological, emotional and spiritual well being. Included will be dream therapy, nullification of vows, intercessory prayer, and the making of our own kameyot (healing amulets). This course is highly recommended for people in the healing professions.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Mystical Healing Practices: Medicine for the Modern Soul
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Melting into the Divine: Av, Elul, and the Days of Awe as Healing Modalities

Rabbi Elliot Ginsburg

Rabbi Rabbi Elliot Ginsburg

In the spiritual cycle of the Jewish year, the months of Av, Elul and Tishrei hold a unique power to move, deepen, and subtly transform us. Jewish mystics call it ET RATZON, a time of expanded desire and fluidity, when the gates of the heart are especially open. We both work on the self and transcend the narrowness of the self, melting into the divine.

Using kabbalistic and hasidic teachings as our guide, we will plumb the deep rhythms of this season: moving from the shatteredness of Tammuz-early Av, to the transformative dance of Tu B'av, to the deep healing and reconciliation of Elul, to the hushed, melting intimacy of Yom Kippur. We conclude by entering into the healing space of Sukkot: balancing the process of ingathering with the practice of letting go. Our learning will be multi-dimensional: combining text-study with spiritual practices that open the heart. This is learning you can take home: to enrich your own seasonal practice, to better hear the stirrings of the Heart.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Melting into the Divine: Av, Elul, and the Days of Awe as Healing Modalities
Rabbi Elliot Ginsburg

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Return from Exile: Transforming Negative Emotions

Rabbi Menachem Kallus
Join us for an in-depth exploration of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hassidism, in regard to the liberation of consciousness and the transformation of negative emotions. Tisha B'Av, the fast day commemorating the destruction of the ancient Temple and our people's exile from Jerusalem, occurs this week. The Book of Lamentations is traditionally read on this solemn day.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Return from Exile: Transforming Negative Emotions
Rabbi Menachem Kallus

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Sh'viti: I Place God Before Me Always

Hanna Tiferet Siegel
Cultivating an inner meditation practice helps to center the soul and awaken the divine within. How do we carry that awareness into the world? There is a very beautiful verse from Psalm 16:8, which suggests that equanimity comes from seeing God in all of life at all times. How can we approach this high level of being? How do we remember in every moment not to forget? In this class we will learn hasidic sources on the subject and create a sh'viti, a constant awareness of the Divine, from the wisdom of our own experience. We will encounter the world around us with compassionate eyes and encourage the living Torah to flow from the wellsprings of own truth. Singing, dancing, dreaming, and praying, alone and together, we will open our senses to the mirror of the Divine Presence in every breathing moment.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Sh'viti: I Place God Before Me Always
Hanna Tiferet Siegel

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Awakening the Spirit in Relationships

Rabbi Shaya Isenberg & Reverend Bahira Sugarman

We are all in relationships. But are we aware and open to relationship as a spiritual path? When we value our relationships as a central part of our spiritual lives, we open to our own and each other's depth, joy, and healing process. In this course we will offer practical tools for transforming relationships into more responsible, mature, mindful, and intentional partnerships. You will learn to share spiritual space through solo and interactive exercises including guided meditation, loving communication, joyful play and uplifting song. We will pass on universal principles learned from Kabbalah as well as practices that we have found to be powerfully transformative in our own relationship. All relationships are our teachers; all deserve a foundation of equality, honesty and shared goals. This course has value for each of us, as individuals and as partners in relationships, so you need not be in a couple to participate and benefit.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Awakening the Spirit in Relationships
Rabbi Shaya Isenberg; Reverend Bahira Sugarman

August 7-13 - Healing Week

Healing, Holiness, and Wholeness

Rabbi David Zaslow

Rabbi Rabbi David Zaslow

In Hebrew, these three words share the same root, suggesting a strong energetic and mystical relationship between them. Is the secret to healing found in holiness? What is the true link between healing and wholeness? We'll explore these relationships through exploration of body, heart, mind, and soul, and examine how our personal lives overlap the four worlds of nature: earth, water, air, and fire. Through singing, chanting, study, storytelling, and prayer we'll learn what it means to heal our relationships to others, to ourselves, and to God.

August 7-13 - Healing Week
Healing, Holiness, and Wholeness
Rabbi David Zaslow
Rabbi David Zaslow